Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes

Long Island Rental Car Accident Attorney

Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP.

If you were involved in a rental car accident as a driver, passenger, renter, or third-party, your life could be significantly impacted. While your losses should be covered by insurance, rental car accidents can be difficult to settle with so many parties involved.

Following an accident, you must recover compensation appropriate to your losses. If you are involved in an insurance dispute or suffered losses following your accident, our Long Island rental car accident attorney can take on your case.

Insurance in Rental Car Accident Cases

One reason rental car accidents are difficult to resolve is because of potential insurance disputes. Rental car insurance, personal insurance, and third-party insurance could all be involved.

Understanding the types of insurance at play can help you be sure you are receiving fair compensation for your losses. You should also understand the scenarios where each party could be responsible for covering your damages.

Personal Insurance

Personal insurance is insurance that you have on your own vehicle. Personal insurance is applicable in rental car accidents if you were involved in a crash with a rental car. In some cases, your personal insurance could also cover damages if you are the renter of a vehicle, in lieu of paying for additional rental car insurance.

Rental Car Accident Insurance

Rental car insurance is generally offered to anyone who rents a car, allowing coverage for the duration of their time with the vehicle for an extra fee. Some people choose to decline rental car insurance, knowing that personal insurance will cover their rental term.

However, it is illegal in New York to decline rental car insurance if you do not have personal insurance covering a rental. This would create an uninsured motorist scenario, which is punishable by law.

Third Party Insurance

Third party insurance refers to the insurance coverage of a third party involved in a rental car accident. If a vehicle is on the road, it should be registered and should be covered by insurance.

Insurance Requirements

All vehicles on the road are required to carry insurance in New York, and this includes rented vehicles.

The New York State Department of Financial Services states that the minimum insurance coverage is $10,000 for property damage, $25,000 for bodily injuries of a single person, and $50,000 for the wrongful death of a person resulting from a vehicle accident. Additionally, coverage of $50,000 for up to two injured persons and $100,000 for the death of two or more people is also required.

If you are involved in an accident with someone that is not carrying the state minimums, it can put you at risk of not receiving the compensation you are entitled to. In these cases, you could have the legal option to file a civil suit in order to pursue any damages you have not been compensated for.

Recoverable Compensation in Long Island Car Accident Cases

Whether you were the one renting a car, a passenger, or a third party involved in a rental car accident, you could qualify for compensation. Recoverable compensation for victims includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Reimbursement for your medical expenses related to your accident
  • Compensation for damage to your vehicle, including total loss, as well as damage or loss to any items of value
  • Reimbursement for legal fees you accumulate while fighting for what you deserve
  • Lost wages if you are left unable to work, or if you face a reduction of hours due to injuries or a loss of your method of transportation to work
  • Compensation in cases where you lost a loved one in a possible wrongful death

Your rental car accident attorney in the Long Island area can determine the compensation you could qualify for. They can also make sure the appropriate insurance companies provide you with the coverage you deserve by law.

Deciding If Hiring a Long Island Lawyer is Right for You

If you find yourself with legal challenges following an accident, you can hire a car accident lawyer or obtain a free consultation to learn more. Some of the benefits of having legal representation include they are:

  • Able to explain what Car Rental Insurance Policies mean, assist with filling out and filing paperwork
  • Can organize and bring strength to your case
  • Answer your questions about the filing process
  • Help you determine the type and amount of available compensation so you can plan ahead
  • Offer support as you deal with loss following an accident
  • Much more

Injuries, Suffering, and Loss That Could Entitle You to Damages

Over two million people in The United States are injured in motor-vehicle accidents each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Rental car accidents can result in a tremendous amount of loss.

While insurance would cover certain aspects of loss, you could seek additional compensation by filing a claim. Typically, the compensation you are awarded is commensurate with the type of suffering you experience. Ways in which your accident could have impacted your life include:

  • Physical injuries
  • Damage to valuable property
  • Loss or decrease of income due to missed work
  • Loss of enjoyment in your daily life
  • Permanent disabilities or loss of motion

Possible Causes of Your Accident Involving a Long Island Rental Car

Determining fault is important in rental car accident cases because it can, in turn, determine which insurance party is required to cover expenses. Your car accident attorney can help you figure out if your Long Island family has the legal basis to secure damages.

The following are ways in which other parties could have caused your accident:

  • Drunk driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Driver inexperience
  • Running a stop sign
  • Much more

If you think another party caused your accident, you could have a case. If you believe you are not receiving the insurance coverage you need, it could be worth discussing your situation with your lawyer.

Contact Our Team Today About Your Long Island Car Accident Case

If you are ready to file a claim and pursue compensation following a rental car accident, our team at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP is here to help you figure out the best course of action during a free consultation. The clock is ticking on your window to act; learn more today before it is too late. Our personal injury legal team is ready to help you.

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