Long Island TBI Epidemic Lawyer
Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP.
More than 1.4 million Americans are affected by traumatic brain injuries (TBI) annually. There are various classifications of TBI, ranging from mild to severe. Even with mild cases, the brain damage can be considerable, affecting the victim both cognitively and emotionally. The body’s mobility can be affected by TBI too.
The social consequences of TBI can be high, as 52,000 victims of brain damage will lose their lives, leaving behind grieving families, while 275,000 victims will end up in the hospital. These are small numbers compared to the 1.365 million people who sustain TBI and are subsequently treated in an emergency room and sent home for families to deal with the long-term effects.

Traumatic Brain Injury can be Life – Changing
Today, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 5.3 million Americans need help in the long term or even for the remainder of their lives due to a brain injury. The sorts of effects broadly include inability to think normally, difficulties with retaining information, loss of sensations, speech problems and emotional problems. Seizures such as epileptic episodes may occur too.
Children who have sustained a TBI may find it hard to learn new things and they may have difficulties in being accepted by peers because of behavioral disorders. They may not reach maturity, which means their ability to lead independent lives will be drastically affected, requiring them to seek support for the remainder of their lives.
A person disabled by a brain injury who has difficulties communicating with others can affect relationships, which pose an overall cost to society. The cost associated with brain injuries tops $56 billion annually, making it an unprecedented public health crisis.
Brain Injury is often Concealed
From the outside, a person who is suffering from a brain injury may be hard to spot. But for the families who live with a victim, relationships change forever, whether between spouse, a parent or a child. Roles may change too.
What should be Done for Victims of TBI?
Families alone can’t solve the problems of their siblings, spouses, parents and children who have been traumatized with TBI. More support is needed from the community to help rehabilitate victims. That means the bill to help these victims live with their injuries should come from the community so that their life outcomes can be improved by those trained and experienced in the handling of TBI Victims.
Prevention can Help Stop TBI
Protecting the head from impact is the only way to help put an end to TBI. Many workers fail to use helmets when they should. Bicycle and motorcycle riders should use helmets when out on the road or even on a designated bike way.
Brain Injury Lawyers
The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP is a brain injury law firm. We understand the devastating effects of brain injuries on our clients and their families and are committed to aggressively representing those victims of accidents that have been caused by acts of negligence however they have taken place.
If we can offer you experienced and professional legal help, please contact us at the earliest opportunity for a free, no-strings consultation.