Accident And Injury Attorneys


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Hicksville Dog Bite Lawyer

Getting bitten by an aggressive dog can cause long-term trauma and severe injuries. Dog bite victims often face long-term effects on their lives, such as pain and scarring. Those injured in a dog attack have the legal right to pursue compensation against dog owners for the injuries and other losses. However, due to New York’s complex dog bite laws, filing a claim on your own may be challenging.

If you suffered injuries in a dog attack in Hicksville, NY, you need a seasoned attorney on your side. The trusted attorneys at Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP have extensive experience in the state’s dog bite laws and fight tirelessly to help ensure you recover the damages you are owed. Regardless of the unique circumstances surrounding your dog bite, our experienced legal team will ensure you understand your legal options and help you build a solid claim so that you can recover the maximum compensation available for your claim.

New York’s Dog Bite Laws

New York’s dog bite laws combine the one-bite rule with the concept of strict liability. The one-bite rule states that owners of dogs with a history of violence will be held liable for the victim’s damages. On the other hand, strict liability means that the owner should be held accountable regardless of their pet’s history. New York combines these concepts in the following ways.

  • Dog owners will bear strict liability for any medical costs caused by the bite or attack.
  • However, dog owners will only be held liable for other damages if the dog is dangerous and has a known history of violence.

In other words, all dog bite victims are eligible to recover their medical damages from the dog owner, but collecting other damages depends on the dog’s history of violence. Additionally, if a police dog injures an individual while carrying out its duties, it cannot be considered a dangerous dog with a history of violence.

What to Do After Suffering a Dog Bite in Hicksville, NY

Suffering a dog attack leaves many victims in pain and confused in the moments following the accident; however, there are some immediate steps you should take for your safety and the success of your claim. Below are five steps you should take following a dog bite injury:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Dog bite wounds are prone to severe infections and should be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible. Additionally, you may sustain internal injuries that may worsen significantly over time without medical attention.

Identify the Dog and Its Owner

Following a dog attack, it is essential to identify the dog and how to contact its owner. Since the dog’s owner is the liable party in the event of a dog bite, you must know their identity to file a claim against them for compensation.

Report the Incident

Filing a police report and notifying the department of health following a dog bite accident is essential. New York state law requires dog attacks to be reported to the health department within 24 hours of the incident. Additionally, these official reports may serve as solid evidence to support your claim.

Take Photos

Photos can be critical evidence that your lawyer can use to prove your claim. Pictures of your injuries, torn or bloody clothes, the scene of the attack, and the dog that attacked you could all serve as crucial evidence in your case. These photos can help your attorney establish the severity of your injuries as well as the identity of the owner.

Contact an Experienced Attorney

After suffering a dog bite injury, you will likely face a series of financial burdens along your road to recovery. Many dog bite victims feel tempted to take a quick settlement from the insurance company to ease this stress. Unfortunately, the insurance company is not on your side and may attempt to pay you the smallest amount possible for your losses. However, you may be eligible to seek significant compensation from the liable party with the help of one of our skilled attorneys at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP. Some damages you may be eligible to recover include:

  • Lost wages and earning potential
  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Significant scarring or disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment in life

Your attorney will carefully review your case and determine which damages you may be able to collect. Our goal is to get you the maximum compensation possible for your injuries and other losses so that you can begin to move forward after your accident.

Partner With the Trusted Dog Bite Attorneys at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP

Our dog bite attorneys at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP are dedicated to advocating for bite victims in Hicksville and the surrounding areas. We are dedicated to working tirelessly for our clients to achieve justice on their behalf. Our award-winning legal team is committed to helping you get the maximum amount of compensation possible for your claim. To learn more about how we can help and schedule a free consultation, give us a call at (866) 924-1787 or complete our contact form today.

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