Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes

Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?

If you were in a car accident, you might think the damage is minor and not worth the hassle. You might question if you should hire a car accident lawyer for a minor accident. However, you could be owed more compensation than you think, even for a minor car accident.

A car accident lawyer can help you by reviewing the details of your accident. What many people do not know is that car accident lawyers do not get paid unless you do. You can have a consultation to discover your options after a minor car accident at no cost to you.

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When You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

A minor car accident is an inconvenience, regardless of the damages you may have suffered. It may have made you late to an appointment or late for work. It probably took up a significant amount of your day. These are things a car accident lawyer could potentially fight to get compensation for.

Other potential reasons you may need a car accident lawyer include:

  • Injuries were sustained
  • Disagreement as to who is at fault
  • Damage to the vehicle
  • Lack of insurance by either party

A car accident lawyer can help determine whether you should file a claim. Their offices can contact insurance companies and involved parties to try to come to a fair compromise.

Damages or Injuries Could Be Discovered in the Future

When you are in a minor car accident, you might not realize all the damage that has been done. Your vehicle might not seem damaged at first, but the impact could have done more damage that is hard to see.

The same goes for bodily injuries. You might feel fine after the initial accident. Your adrenaline is running, and you are just thankful it was a minor accident. You might not feel or notice any injuries right away. But as you get home, you realize you are hurting more than you think. You should go to the doctor to confirm whether you were truly injured or not.

The Mayo Clinic explains that the symptoms of whiplash might not appear until a few days after the injury has occurred. Whiplash is a common injury caused by a rear-end collision. A minor car accident can also cause injuries, such as torn ligaments in joints, back injuries, and concussions.

According to Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214, you have up to three years to take action on your car accident. However, the sooner you act, the sooner you can get started on your case for damages. Evidence is also more likely to be found if action is taken sooner rather than later. Evidence can include:

  • Eyewitness statements
  • Medical documentation
  • Pictures of the damage
  • Mechanic statements

Compensation That Could Be Available to You

You might think there is little, if any, compensation available to you after a minor car accident. This is not always the case. Even if a car accident is minor, the damage might not be as insignificant as you think.

Medical costs, even for a minor car accident, can be costly. Diagnostic tests alone—such as MRIs, CT scans, and x-rays—can add up very quickly. Diagnostic tests for your vehicle can be time-consuming and expensive as well. The time and money needed for minor repairs can surprise you.

The car accident itself probably took up a significant amount of your day. If you were late for work or had to cancel an appointment, a car accident lawyer can consider all this when reviewing your case. When you missed hours at work, you most likely lost that money, had to use your paid time off, or had to make up the time elsewhere in your schedule. Compensation could be available to you for your time, as well as your pain and suffering.

Getting a car accident lawyer can help you determine the total amount of time and money the car accident has cost you.

How a Lawyer Can Help You

You can schedule a free consultation to determine if you should hire a car accident lawyer for a minor accident. It can be challenging to determine if you have a solid claim and what compensation could be available to you. A lawyer can help walk you through the steps to see if your minor car accident qualifies you for compensation.

The firm you choose can gather evidence from your car accident and determine fair compensation for your pain and suffering. They can help you decide if you would like to pursue a lawsuit. Our services do not cost you anything unless we can obtain compensation for you.

The sooner you start your consultation, the sooner your lawyer can begin reviewing your minor car accident for potential compensation. Call the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP at (866) 878-6774 for your free consultation today.

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