Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes


What to Do if Someone Won’t Share Their Insurance Information After an Accident

One of the first steps following an accident is to ask for the insurance information of the other parties involved in the incident. However, when an individual refuses to provide you with their insurance information, you may wonder what options you have to ensure you can file a successful personal injury claim. When someone does not share their insurance information after an accident, the first step you should take is to contact a trusted personal injury lawyer who will help advise you on how to approach the situation with your own insurance provider.

The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP is a team of legal professionals helping clients in New York build successful personal injury accident claims after the other party refuses to provide their insurance information. There are many reasons that a person may not wish to provide their insurance information after an accident, but it can make it difficult for you to get the fair compensation you deserve. To ensure the liable party is held responsible for your injuries and losses following an accident, contact our team of New York personal injury lawyers to get started on building your claim today.

Can You Still File an Accident Claim Without the Other Party’s Insurance Information?

While having the other party’s insurance information after an accident will certainly make the claims filing process easier, it is still possible to have a successful personal injury case without it. A person may choose not to provide you with insurance information after an accident for many reasons that range from them not having insurance or a sufficient amount of coverage, not wanting their insurance provider to raise their monthly premium, or thinking that if they do not provide you with the information that they cannot be held liable for the accident at all. Regardless of why a person withholds their insurance information, you can still file a personal injury claim after an accident with the help of a trusted New York lawyer.

While you can go directly to your insurance provider, when you have the legal guidance of an experienced attorney on your side, they can help you navigate the claims process and negotiate for the fair settlement you deserve. Despite not having the other party’s insurance information, there is plenty of other evidence you can provide your provider with to show proof of their negligence that led to your losses. 

Can You Prove Liability in an Accident Where Someone Did Not Provide Their Insurance Information?

Even when the other party involved in your accident does not provide you with their insurance information, if their negligence caused the incident, you can still prove their liability by showing evidence of the four elements of negligence. These elements include the following:

  • They owed you a duty of care
  • They breach the duty of care owed to you
  • The breach of duty is what caused your accident and injuries
  • You suffered losses as a result

To get help collecting the key evidence that will help you prove liability in your accident case, contact a personal injury lawyer today.

Contact a Trusted New York Accident Lawyer Today

The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP is a New York law firm dedicated to helping our clients get justice after being injured in a personal injury accident. Our goal is to provide you with the legal expertise needed to hold the at-fault party responsible, even when they fail to provide their insurance information.

For help with your personal injury claim, contact our New York team of lawyers today at 516-358-6900 or complete our contact form. You can also subscribe to our Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP YouTube Channel to stay up to date on any laws that may impact your New York personal injury case.

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