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Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics 

Facts About Head Injuries and TBI’s

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 1.7 million people experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year in America. A TBI occurs when there is some traumatic event (striking force, penetrating force, explosion or blast, etc.) causing the brain to experience a physical injury. This can have mild to severe effects on brain function.

Traumatic Brain Injuries Are A Serious Problem

TBIs are not a minor problem. CDC reports the following statistics regarding the prevalence of TBIs in America:

  • 52,000 deaths per year
  • 275,000 hospitalizations per year
  • 365 million (80%) emergency room visits
  • 5% of all trauma-related deaths involve TBI
  • $60 Billion spent on treatment in 2000

Types of TBI

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are four basic types of head injuries associated with TBI. The following four types of injury reported by NIH are not an exhaustive list. NIH also includes a fantastic video on the topic.

  • Skull Fractures – Caused by penetrating or blunt trauma to the head
  • Contusions – Bruising to the brain when it strikes the interior of the skull
  • Intracranial Hematoma – bleeding in the brain due to trauma
  • Anoxia – Lack of oxygen to the brain

Leading Causes of Death and Injury

The CDC reports that TBI is one of the leading causes of injury and death for falls and motor vehicle collisions. The causes of TBI’s are as follows, according to CDC:

  • 2% – Falls
  • 0% – Unknown
  • 3% – Motor vehicle crashes
  • 5% – Struck by or against object
  • 0% – Physical Assault

TBI and Veterans

The Department of Defense (DOD) is also investigating the occurrence of TBI in servicemembers and veterans. According to research from DOD and the VA, TBIs account for about 22% of all combat injuries. Many are caused by blasts and proximity to explosions.

TBI Effects and Complications

Mild symptoms of  a TBI can include headaches, momentary loss of consciousness, irritability, mood changes, confusion, fatigue, sleep problems, dizziness, or sensory changes (e.g. changes in vision, hearing, or taste).  More serious problems can include memory loss, depression, anxiety, severe mood instability, nausea and vomiting, seizures or convulsions, clear fluid from the ears and nose, tingling sensations in the extremities, and heightened agitation or aggression.

How a Long Island Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Can Help

When a person is seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, a fall, or by some other form of careless or reckless conduct, it can be overwhelming. Insurance companies train their representatives to settle cases quickly or look for ways to deny claims. They may ask a victim to see a hand-selected physician who is paid to say injuries are not related or less severe than they really are. They may ask for your entire medical records back to your youth, and scour through your history for any minor evidence of a prior injury, all in an attempt to avoid paying you for their insured’s conduct.

If you or someone you care about is injured by the carelessness and negligence of another, you need someone on your side who will fight to get your medical bills paid and get you compensation for your injury. Long Island personal injury lawyers, Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP have spent their careers fighting for injured victims. Call (516) 358-6900 today for a free case review.

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