Accident And Injury Attorneys


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School Yard Injuries

When a parent holds their newborn infant in their arms for the first time it is love at first sight. This precious new life brings overwhelming joy and inspires and enormous sense of responsibility. Children grow all too fast and before long they are heading off to school and are in the care of a school teacher for the most part of the day. The school years are wonderful. There are so many proud moments that parent enjoy as they watch their children learn to socialize and achieve great academic results.

It isn’t always easy however leaving your children in someone else’s care, particularly in the early years of schooling. While most schools have excellent school yard policies in place and rigorous training procedures for staff to ensure that the school environment is safe for your child, accidents do happen. Even under the most watchful eye children can suffer slip and falls or as all parent’s dread, injury caused by another student’s act of violence.

What should you do if your child is injured at school?

  1. It goes without saying that your child should receive prompt medical attention.
  2. Keep any written communication you receive from the school that relates to the accident that your child suffered. Also note down the details of any phone calls you receive from the school principal or other staff following the incident.
  3. Contact a personal injury attorney without delay. Here at Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we have qualified personal injury attorneys who are here to make a prompt assessment of your case.
  4. Remember that physical injuries are more apparent than emotional ones. Keep a close eye on your child’s moods and if they seem withdrawn, fearful or reluctant to go to school seek the support of a qualified child counsellor without delay.
  5. Accidents at school can have an impact on your child’s academic performance. Keep this in mind and be prepared to offer gentle homework support at home to ensure that your child keeps up to date with his or her current level of learning.

If your child has suffered a school-related accident you might be entitled to claim compensation. Here at
Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we will explore all the options available to you regarding compensation for any physical or emotional injury at school that your child has suffered. We know that issues involving children require extra sensitivity and we will draw on our years of experience to provide legal support for your family through this difficult time.

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