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Can a Dog Sitter Be Liable for a Dog Bite in New York?

Dog Sitter platforms like Rover or Wag have become increasingly popular amongst pet owners looking for some extra help taking care of their animals while they are away at work or running errands. However, with the rise of dog sitters in New York, there have also been more and more cases of dog bite incidents while these pets are in the care of the sitter. These incidents have begged the question of whether or not the dog sitter can be held liable for the dog bite. The answer is that despite not being the owner of the pet, a dog sitter can be found liable when a dog bite incident occurs while the pet is in their care.

At the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP our experienced lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience helping clients in New York who have been injured by a dog bite. If the dog that bit you was in the care of a sitter and not the actual owner, it is important that you know you can still hold the dog sitter liable for their negligence that led to the animal biting you. 

Proving a Dog Sitter’s Liability in Your New York Injury Claim

When a dog bite occurs, you may be left wondering what options you have when it comes to filing a claim for your losses. It is important that you understand who is liable for your losses. If the dog was in the care of a dog sitter, then you may be able to hold them liable for the injury you have suffered as a result of their negligence. 

To prove a dog sitter’s liability in your injury claim, you must be able to provide evidence of the elements of negligence. Your lawyer can help you collect this evidence. The elements of negligence in a dog bite injury case are as follows:

  • The dog sitter owed you a duty of care
  • The dog sitter breached the duty of care owed to you
  • The breach of duty is what led to the dog bite injury
  • You have suffered losses as a result

To ensure the success of your claim, your lawyer can assist you in providing the key evidence to strengthen your case and ensure that the liable party is held responsible for their actions that led to the dog bite incident.

Damages You Can Collect After a Dog Bite Injury

If you suffered a dog bite due to the actions of a negligent dog sitter, you have the right to file a personal injury claim. When you file a claim, you may be eligible to retain compensation for your injuries and losses. 

The damages you may be eligible to collect following a dog bite injury claim include the following:

  • Medical expenses: After a dog bite, victims’ injuries may require medical care that will allow them to heal. Their recovery period may result in costly medical bills, so they should be compensated for the cost of all necessary care.
  • Lost wages: Victims of dog bites may be unable to work while they recover from their injuries. As a result, they should be compensated for all present and future wages they may lose as a result of the negligence of the at-fault party.
  • Pain and suffering: Being bitten by a dog can be distressing. Victims should be compensated for the pain and suffering they have had to endure.

Your lawyer will help you understand what damages you may be eligible to retain and help you negotiate for the fair settlement amount you deserve.

Contact a New York Dog Bite Lawyer For Help With Your Claim

Our team at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP has over 100 years of combined experience fighting for the rights of our clients after they have been injured in a dog bite incident. We can help ensure that the negligent dog sitter in your case is held liable by building a strong claim and fighting for the justice you deserve.

For more information about our firm and to learn how we navigate dog bite injury claims in New York, subscribe to our Youtube channel. For a free consultation with one of our trusted lawyers, call 516-358-6900 or complete our contact form today.

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