Accident And Injury Attorneys


Abogados De Accidentes

We're not just motorcycle accident lawyers; we're riders ourselves.

New Hyde Park Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Were you injured, or did you lose a loved one in a motorcycle accident in New Hyde Park? You may receive coverage for medical expenses and other losses.

The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP will provide a New Hyde Park motorcycle accident attorney for your case. We are Long Island personal injury attorneys who will fight for you.

Click Here to Learn More about the Major Factors Contributing to Motorcycle Accidents

Motorist Negligence and Other Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in New Hyde Park

Motorcyclists have a right to use the roads of New Hyde Park safely. Motorists who fail to acknowledge or respect motorcyclists’ rights put victims like you in danger. As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) explains, motorcyclists are overrepresented in fatal accidents. This makes driver safety a pressing issue.

A motorist puts motorcyclists at risk when they:

  • Are distracted
  • Are intoxicated
  • Are on drugs
  • Speed
  • Tailgate
  • Fail to check blind spots before turning or changing lanes
  • Drive without necessary glasses or contacts
  • Change lanes while a motorcyclist is lane-splitting
  • Engage in any other dangerous behavior

Motorcyclists can be difficult to see. However, failure to see a motorcyclist is no excuse for causing an accident. Motorists aren’t the only hazard to motorcyclists in New Hyde Park. Motorcycle accidents can also arise from:

  • Dangerous road conditions (construction, potholes, slick roads, and other conditions)
  • Motor vehicle or motorcycle defects
  • Pedestrians engaging in illegal behavior like jaywalking
  • Other dangers

We must diagnose the case of your accident. When we know why your accident happened, we may determine who owes you compensation.

Who Is Liable for Your Motorcycle Accident in New Hyde Park?

We will determine this once we’ve reviewed your case. A motorist may be liable. If a defect led to your accident, then a motorcycle, vehicle, or parts manufacturer may be liable.

We’ll use the standard of negligence to determine liability. Someone is negligent when:

  1. They had a duty of care to you
  2. They violated their duty of care
  3. Their breach of duty of care contributed to your motorcycle accident
  4. Your motorcycle accident caused your injuries and other damages

If we can prove your damages, we will prove that you are the victim of negligence. Other liability standards may also apply to your case. Our team is very familiar with liability standards in New York.

Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer Following Your Motorcycle Accident

You may hire a personal injury lawyer for a variety of reasons. Perhaps your injuries are causing debilitating pain and other issues. You may not be comfortable handling a claim or lawsuit, even if you feel physically able to do so.

If you do hire a lawyer, consider the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP. Our team has more than a century of collective experience. As a firm rooted in Long Island, we know the New Hyde Park area well. A motorcycle accident attorney from our firm can promptly investigate your case.

Handling a motorcycle accident claim takes time, patience, and sustained effort. We have the resources and drive to fight for you.

Case Results That Should Matter to You

You deserve to know why you should choose our firm. Our case results are one important reason. Our results in New York motorcycle accident cases include:

  • A $4 million recovery for a client paralyzed because of a motorcycle accident
  • A $1 million settlement for a client who fractured their femur in a motorcycle accident
  • A $300,000 settlement for a client injured in a motorcycle crash caused by dangerous road conditions

Every client has different losses. We’ll evaluate your losses to identify the value of a fair settlement.

Recoverable Damages in a New Hyde Park Motorcycle Accident

Our entire case strategy revolves around your damages. We’ll identify, value, and substantiate your losses with as much documentation as possible. Some damages we see in motorcycle accident cases include:

  • Lost income: Depending on your employment situation, you may lose income while you’re injured. In cases of a wrongful death, you may have lost a loved one’s financial support.
  • Lost earning power: Injury symptoms can chip away at your earning power. You may not be able to work as long or in the same ways as you did before your accident. This may limit how much you’re able to earn.
  • Motorcycle repairs: You may receive full coverage to repair or replace your damaged motorcycle.
  • Healthcare expenses: Any doctors’ visits, surgeries, treatments, medications, or other healthcare costs may entitle you to compensation.
  • Pain and suffering: New York’s civil system allows you to seek compensation for pain and suffering. This includes injury-related pain, psychological trauma, lost quality of life, and other types of pain and suffering.

Our motorcycle accident lawyers also handle wrongful death claims. These case types require empathy for the surviving loved ones. Our firm will handle your personal injury or wrongful death case with all necessary sensitivity.

What Role Will the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP Play in Your Motorcycle Accident Case?

We’ll work with you to handle your case effectively. Duties that we generally handle for victims like you include:

  • Defense of your rights
  • Investigation of your case
  • Collection of evidence
  • Hiring of experts
  • Documentation of losses
  • Calculation of your target settlement value
  • Communication with all parties involved in your case—insurance companies, attorneys, and others
  • Settlement negotiations
  • Going to trial when necessary

Much goes into a motorcycle accident case. We’ll pay upfront costs, review any settlement offers you receive, and lead every other aspect of your case.

Call the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP for Your FREE Consultation

We want to help you put your life back together after an accident in New Hyde Park. Our motorcycle accident attorneys don’t receive any upfront payment. You don’t have to worry about the out-of-pocket cost of hiring our firm – because there isn’t one. If we don’t secure compensation for you, we won’t receive a fee.

Call the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP today at (866) 878-6774 to complete your free consultation. Don’t wait to hire a lawyer. Cases like yours generally have deadlines. If you don’t hire us in time to file your case, then you may miss the window for seeking fair coverage.

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