Bethpage Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer
A dangerous slip and fall can be dangerous for anyone of any age. Whether you are contending with aging hips or are young and healthy, the dangerous environmental hazards that lead to slip and fall accidents can devastate your health. This is why property owners and relevant teams are meant to take reasonable action to protect those in their care from this kind of harm.
Victims of slip and fall accidents that seem to stem from negligence can take up action against the parties originally responsible for their well-being. With help from a slip and fall injury attorney from Bethpage, you can demand compensation designs to cover your losses from the party responsible for your slip and fall accident.

Calculating the Value of a Bethpage Slip And Fall Case
Slip and fall accidents can be costly for those who suffer from them. No matter your age or health condition, these accidents can result in fractured bones, brain injuries, and damage to personal property. The good news is that if you choose to file a slip and fall accident claim against the party who allowed you to be exposed to environmental hazards, you can demand compensation for their losses.
The compensation you request for slip and fall lawsuits can include coverage for medical expenses and care-related bills. It can also see to the replacement of any damaged personal property. You can even use compensation gained from your suit to contend with wages lost while you were in recovery.
What’s more, a personal injury claim covers non-economic or non-billable damages tied up in your case. Pain and suffering, for example, constitute non-billable damages. You can use multipliers approved by New York to modify the sum of your billable losses to address these damages.
Submitting an Estimate of Your Case’s Value Via a Civil Complaint
New York civil courts require you to submit an estimate of your case’s compensation when bringing your losses to their attention. Moreover, the state requires you to use evidence to establish liability and duty of care in your accident.
Slip and fall duty of care refers to a property owner’s responsibility to maintain their land in the face of environmental hazards. These parties need to warn you of environmental hazards or repair that damage if they want to avoid liability for slip and fall accidents.
New York state does allow for flexibility in the definition of “reasonable” when considering slip and fall accident duty of care. For example, slipping on a puddle of water that a landowner could not have known about may not entitle you to a slip and fall accident claim. You can, however, work with a slip and fall injury lawyer in Bethpage to determine whether or not your accident gives you the right to pursue a civil lawsuit.
What Role Do You Play On Someone Else’s Property?
Your right to take action depends on more than the nature of your accident, too. Your role on another person’s property can influence your right to pursue compensation for your losses. Guests and licensees in New York are entitled to comprehensive protection when on another person’s property. You most often see these terms in premises liability cases.
A guest’s or licensee’s right to a duty of care is based on the role they play while on another person’s property. Trespassers, comparatively, do not benefit from an assigned duty of care and thus cannot take a landowner to court if they slip and fall while trespassing.
The only time the rules surrounding trespassing and slip and fall injuries change is when they involve children. New York’s attractive nuisance doctrine demands that landowners with features that may attract youthful trespassers make a point to tend to environmental hazards. Landowners who fail to address these hazards and find child trespassers on their land may be held liable for that child’s slip and fall accident.
Deadlines Applied to New York Slip And Fall Accidents
The deadline depends on the facts but some statutes of limitation time periods are as short as 90 days from the date your accident occurred so it’s important to consult with a slip and fall injury attorney as soon as possible. However, with one of our seasoned personal injury lawyers at your side you can be sure that your claim will be filed properly and promptly.
Bethpage Slip And Fall Injury Lawyers Stand With You
Shop owners, construction crews, and landowners all have a responsibility to those parties who come into their care. These individuals must uphold the duty of care owed to others and do their best to prevent said parties from falling. Parties who don’t take reasonable action to prevent a slip and fall accident can subsequently be held liable for related injuries.
Should you be contending with the aftermath of a slip and fall accident, consider inviting a slip and fall injury attorney from Bethpage into your inner circle. Our team at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP can help you fight for compensation to cover your recovery’s expenses. Call 866-878-6774 or contact us online to learn more about how our representation can benefit you. Also, check out and subscribe to the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP YouTube Channel for more information about how we help victims retrieve their due compensation.