Accident And Injury Attorneys


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Trucking Company Liability: Understanding When the Company Is at Fault

When an accident involving a commercial truck occurs, determining liability can be complex. Often, the immediate assumption might be that the truck driver is at fault. However, the reality is that the trucking company itself can also be held liable under various circumstances. Understanding when a trucking company is responsible requires looking into specific situations and legal principles that govern these incidents. This understanding is crucial not only for those involved in an accident but also for anyone seeking to navigate the aftermath of such a distressing event.

At The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP we recognize the challenges and confusion that victims of trucking accidents face. Our firm is committed to guiding you through the process of identifying all parties liable for your injuries, including when a trucking company should be held accountable. Our extensive experience and dedicated approach mean we are well-equipped to investigate your case thoroughly, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Determining Trucking Company Liability

The principle of “respondeat superior” plays a significant role in determining when a trucking company is at fault. This legal doctrine holds employers responsible for the actions of their employees, provided those actions occur within the scope of employment. If a truck driver, acting on behalf of the company, causes an accident while performing their job duties, the trucking company can be held liable. This liability covers a wide range of scenarios, from delivery tasks to long-haul transportation, as long as the driver is working for the company at the time of the incident.

Trucking companies must adhere to federal and state regulations regarding vehicle maintenance, driver training, and hours of service. Failure to comply with these regulations can directly contribute to accidents, making the company liable. For example, if a trucking company neglects proper vehicle maintenance, resulting in a mechanical failure that causes an accident, the company can be held responsible for any damages or injuries. Similarly, if a company fails to ensure its drivers are adequately trained or allows them to exceed legal driving hours, it can be deemed negligent.

Liability can also extend to the hiring practices of a trucking company. If a company hires a driver with a known history of driving violations or substance abuse without conducting proper background checks or providing necessary training, the company can be held liable for negligent hiring. This aspect of liability underscores the importance of trucking companies being diligent in their hiring processes and ensuring that all employees are qualified and capable of safely operating commercial vehicles.

Investigating Trucking Company Practices

Investigating a trucking company’s practices is crucial in building a case against them. This process involves examining the company’s compliance with industry regulations, maintenance records, driver training programs, and hiring protocols. Such an investigation can reveal patterns of negligence or disregard for safety standards, which can be pivotal in establishing the company’s liability. It’s important to gather evidence promptly, as companies might try to repair vehicles or alter records after an accident.

The use of electronic logging devices (ELDs) has become a standard practice, mandated by federal law to monitor drivers’ hours of service accurately. ELDs can provide valuable data in accident cases, offering insights into the driver’s activities and compliance with hours-of-service regulations. This data can be instrumental in determining whether fatigue or violations of driving hours contributed to the accident, potentially implicating the trucking company in the process.

Additionally, understanding the relationship between the trucking company and its drivers can be critical. Some companies may classify drivers as independent contractors rather than employees to circumvent liability. However, courts will look beyond contractual labels to the actual nature of the relationship, considering factors such as the degree of control the company has over the driver’s work. This examination can influence the determination of liability, highlighting the need for thorough legal analysis in these cases.

Why Partner With The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP for Your Case?

Navigating the aftermath of a trucking accident can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP, offers the expertise and support needed to tackle the complexities of trucking company liability. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you understand your rights and options, providing personalized legal advice tailored to your specific situation. We are committed to holding all responsible parties accountable, including trucking companies whose negligence or failure to adhere to regulations has led to your suffering. By choosing Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP you benefit from our comprehensive approach to personal injury cases. 

Our experience in handling cases involving trucking accidents means we are adept at investigating companies, analyzing evidence, and constructing compelling arguments on your behalf. We stand by our mission to help accident victims and their families reclaim their lives with dedication and compassion. Allow us to advocate for you, securing the compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery. To learn more about how we can assist you or to discuss your case in detail, please contact us at (516) 358-6900 or visit our contact form. For additional resources and information, feel free to explore our YouTube Channel.

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