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Fatal Pool Drownings

It is no secret that pools and spas represent unique dangers for adults and children alike. A family get-together or a party with neighbors can quickly turn tragic when an intoxicated guest slips near a spa and ends up face down in the water or a curious child falls into a pool without an adult nearby noticing. A new report from the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP’s partner shows that while fatal and nonfatal drownings associated with pools and spas are on the decline, there are still an alarming number of nonfatal and fatal drownings that occur each year.

What the Data Shows About Pool and Spa Accidents

 The report published by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and available at is entitled Pool or Spa Submersion: Estimated Nonfatal Drowning Injuries and Reporting Drownings, 2017 Report. According to the CPSC between 2014 and 2016 there were some interesting facts and statistics:

  • Approximately 4,400 children younger than 5 years of age nearly drowned every year in the United States. This was in addition to 1,600 children between 5 and 14 years of age and 5,900 children younger than 15 years of age;
  • In addition to these numbers, about 356 pool- and spa-related drownings (fatalities) occurred every year between 2012 to 2014;
  • The vast majority of drowning and near-drowning accidents involved pools, not spas; and
  • It is estimated that the number of fatal drownings has decreased in 2017.

Any time there is a reduction in the number of needless deaths associated with pools there is cause for celebration; however, more can be done. The report goes on to identify some of the common circumstances under which children drown or experience injuries related to a near-drowning event. These circumstances include:

  • Lack of sufficient physical barrier: A pool that does not have a fence around it or is easily accessible by children presents a risk of danger to children. To combat this, owners of pools should erect a sturdy fence or other similar barrier that includes a locking gate or other secured means of accessing the pool. Property owners should also periodically inspect the barrier for weaknesses or decay and repair such issues promptly.
  • Lack of supervision: Parents of young children should ensure their children are adequately supervised when around a pool. If the parent is not able to be physically present with his or her child, then the parent should ensure a responsible older child or (preferably) another adult will remain close by and ready to respond in the event of an emergency.
  • Child in pool or near pool: In still other cases, a young child was last seen in the pool or near the pool but were not in apparent distress before a drowning occurred. This should remind parents to provide young children with a life preserver and other flotation devices as well as helping their child learn to swim. Young children should not be permitted to be in the pool or near the pool without supervision.

Speak to a Long Island Premise Liability Lawyer Today

The Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP partners with in order to help educate the public about the dangers of pools and spas and how they can protect themselves and their loved ones from unnecessary personal injury or death. If you or a loved one have been injured or killed in a pool- or spa-related accident, contact the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP and speak our Long Island premise liability attorney right away for help. Schedule your free consultation at (866) 580-1960 or reach out to us online for prompt, professional, and compassionate representation and counsel.

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