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Observing a motorcycle accident can be a jarring experience, especially because the vulnerability of motorcyclists can have deadly or life-changing consequences. The Insurance Information Institute...

Falling debris in New York City can lead to severe injuries, and pinpointing who is liable for such accidents is crucial for victims seeking justice...

In the bustling state of New York, navigating the complexities of personal injury law requires understanding its unique provisions, such as the “Limited Discovery” rule....

When you rent a home or apartment in New York, you have the right to expect a safe and habitable living environment. This expectation is...

During New York’s colder months, winter slip-and-fall accidents are a common occurrence. Despite typically resulting in minor injuries like cuts and bruises, these incidents can...

Lending your car to someone and facing the aftermath of an accident can be a complex and often confusing situation. The nuances of insurance coverage,...

If someone steals your car and is in an accident, you are probably not liable for the resulting damages. New York operates on no-fault law,...

Operating a motorcycle is more than just a type of transportation. Motorcyclists also signify a great deal of freedom and adventure to many riders. The...

When navigating dimly lit areas, you might wonder about your safety and what happens if you get injured due to poor lighting. This concern is...

Navigating the aftermath of an escalator injury in New York can be confusing and overwhelming. If you’ve been injured on an escalator, understanding who is...

When you’re involved in a car accident, understanding the process of handling your claim is crucial. A key aspect often arises: the Independent Medical Examination...

Cold winter temperatures pose a threat to plumbing systems, as pipes may freeze and potentially burst, resulting in flooding and significant water damage. However, by...

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