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Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney

We Stand Up For Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse 

Being the victim of sexual abuse perpetrated by a priest or other trusted religious figure is one of the most difficult situations that a person can face. Victims of clergy sexual abuse often suffer harm that lasts for years, if not a lifetime. Many victims do not experience the full brunt of the trauma until years or decades later. If you or a loved one experienced abuse or assault perpetrated by any type of clergy member, a compassionate clergy sexual abuse attorney can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Statistics About Clergy Abuse

Based on a report by CNN citing Bishop Accountability, the United States alone has seen 8,600 survivors of clergy abuse who have received more than $3.8 billion in restitution from the Catholic Church. Even though this might seem like a lot of victims, the actual number of victims is believed to be greater than 100,000.

The Transfer of “Difficult” Priests

Rather than penalize abusers, for decades churches in the United States chose to transfer difficult priests to different parishes. This meant that predatory priests were transferred all over the country, to areas with new and unsuspecting victims. The new parishes were often not informed about the history of transferred priests, which led to abuse continuing at other parishes. The church’s silence on these issues had the end consequence of enabling systemic abuse to continue throughout the church system.

The Steps of Filing a Claim Against the Church

The survivors of clergy abuse frequently struggle with various psychological hardships including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Our dedicated clergy abuse lawyers follow several important steps when we advocate for results that our clients deserve:

  • Initial case evaluation. During our first contact with a prospective client, we begin by gathering details about the abuse that occurred, including where, when, and who was involved. Victims at this time are not required to provide explicit details about the abuse if they are not yet ready to do so.
  • Investigation of your abuse claim. The information provided will then be used to assess whether you can pursue a claim against the church. Not only will we make sure that your claim is within the statute of limitations, but we will also begin to collect information that corroborates your claim.
  • Obtaining a settlement. Deciding how to proceed with a sex abuse claim is your own decision, but our lawyers strive to provide you with all available options. If you decide to pursue compensation, this means that our lawyers are prepared to fight for whatever it takes to make sure you obtain the greatest amount of compensation possible.

Speak With a NY Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney Today 

While clergy abuse can be traumatizing, remember that you have a right to hold your abuser accountable. While no amount of compensation can replace the pain associated with such trauma, a compassionate victim’s rights attorney will fight for your right to receive the compensation you deserve. At the Law Office of Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP, we can help. Contact our law office today to schedule a free case evaluation.  516-358-6900


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